In working smart to upkeep both living wage compensation for our Educator Team, and our Tuition low for our families and community, there are supplemental ways for us to ensure sustainability.
Below you will find a variety of ways in which you can contribute to Gateway. In addition to these modes of fundraising we also happily except donations, in any amount.
Did you know that Gateway is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit, and Donations made to the school are in fact Tax Deductable?
Donations are also eligible for the State of Colorado Childcare Contribution Tax Credit.
Thank you for donating!

Have you skills and willingness to lend a hand sometime?
IE: Catering or Sewing Machine skill for a Fundraising project, Or Handy-Man-Person and/or Building Maintenance skill to lend for our school’s occasional operational tasks?
Thank You.
Please feel free to let us know what skill you would be willing to share for our School, and how.

Books for your children open up their worlds exponentially.
When you visit and select books for purchase on scholastic books online:
Enter our school’s class code, LJWP2
to Earn Points towards free books for our classrooms!
Website: Clubs.Scholastic.com
Paper orders: 1. Enter online,
2. Then mail check after order is placed, to:
Scholastic Book Club
P. O. Box 7504
Jefferson City, MO 65102

King Soopers ~ This is a simple way to support Gateway Montessori School! Just register your SooperCard with Gateway Montessori School of Longmont, and all purchases made using your SooperCard (via cash, check, credit, etc.) will donate a percentage to our school! Both Online and In-Store purchases apply for this program.
Thank you so much for participating!